Thursday 27 April 2017

Pink Noise

How many times have you spent a sleepless night? The sure answer is "a lot". Technology advances to make life simpler, not only during the day but also at night.

A new application used by NASA astronauts will help you fall asleep while also being good for your health. Sleep Genius is a revolutionary application for iOS and Android users.

This application emits pink noise, a continuous sound of low frequencies with a proven somniferous effect in the brain. During the night, you program an alarm that is most convenient for you, and in the morning you will wake up refreshed, without any kind of stress. When it comes to waking up, Sleep Genius does not use an annoying alarm, but gradual sounds that allow you to wake up naturally, without leaving your dream abruptly. Don’t abuse the application or... 

If you think that's its only function, you're wrong. It doesn't only only help you to fall asleep. During the day many people are stressed because they not only have a lot of work or responsibilities, but the fast pace of life does not allow them to rest well. The application also includes a feature that helps you relax and reduce stress thanks to the pink noise (great for times of exams hahah).

What do you think about this new method for sleeping or relaxing? Would you use it? See you on the next blog!


  1. That is amazing! I love the new technologies. Usually I fall asleep really fast, but I have found this application so incredible that I am going to download it right now!! I will use the feature to relax myself. Thanks.

  2. Wow! Technology advances very quickly. It's an incredible and useful invention for people who have difficulties to fall asleep, like me. I think that I'm going to start to use it as soon as I download it. This post is very interesting and original.

  3. I think this tecnology will be more useful and efective than medicines.I think the pink noise will help the people so much with this problems.

    1. Sorry, but I disagree with your opinion. Maybe it can help children with sleeping problems, because children normally do not like medicines even it´s difficult or hard to take them , but I think that medicine is very advanced and if this is going to overcome the medicines they would have invented before. To know if this substitute medicines or not, we will have to wait.

  4. wow, its amazing! i will try it for sure

  5. How did I not know this app existed??? I love sleeping but when I have lots exams I usually have a hard time to rest enough hours because I study until late at night and early in the mornings. I’ll give it a try and see how it works and if it does you’ve saved my life. Thank you!, nice post by the way.

    Lydia Casado Calvo

  6. I love it, it looks so helpful for students.

  7. I really like this idea but I do not know if it works, especially with hyperactive people like me hahahaha. The things of the sounds I don´t know if I like it or not even if they are relaxing, anyway I will challenge it and if it works you will have saved my life.

  8. I have tried it to study and it really works hahah. It takes you a little to get used to the sound but in the end you will adapt and you will study faster!

  9. This is incredible!! I'm really socked, I'm going to try it tonight. New technologies are amazing, they surprise us everyday.

  10. This is incredible!! I'm really socked, I'm going to try it tonight. New technologies are amazing, they surprise us everyday.

  11. i think is an amazing idea having an aplication for that, because there are several times in which you cant sleep because you are constantly thinking on an exam.

  12. Such a great invention from my point of view!
    I think this will help students a lot to fall asleep during the most stressful weeks of the year. I also like the function that it has to wake you up in a smoother and more relaxing way, instead of the typical and horrible beep beep of the alarm.

  13. WoW, that is amazing. Igual didn't know that this app exist. I Will try it
