Thursday 23 February 2017

Quantum Computing

We know what a computer is and how it works, but we do not know what is quantum computing and its future applications. 

A quantum computer is a variation of a ordinary computer. Today's computers store information in bits, each bit can store a 1 or a 0. Quantum computing use qubits, which can store 1 or 0, but can also store between 1 or 0. Only very simple quantum computers have been built, so it is not developed nowadays. It uses quantum physics. The idea of quantum computing is still very the experiments that had been done, a very small number of operations could done on qubits (the bit of quantum computing). Both practical and theoretical research continues with interest, many governments are currently developing this new technology for military and for civilian purposes.

If a powerful quantum computers can be built, it will be able to solve some problems much faster than any computer that exists today, but unfortunately nowadays we don not have such  computer.

What is your opinion about quantum computers? Do you think they are the future of technology? Please leave me the answers in the comments.


  1. I think that it will be the solution for many of our problems

  2. Very interesting post. I didn´t know what the quantum computing is and with this text I have learned how important it will be for the future.

  3. My opinion about these computers is that i didn't understand anything at all. I think it is really complicated, but I also think that this will be the future of technology because as you have mentioned, they work really fast and they can do things that any computer that exists today does.

  4. A subject a little difficult to understand to those who don't know much about computers haha! Still very interesting, you learn new things very useful.

  5. I hadn't heard of "Quantum computing" before, and now, even though I don't understand very good, I have some idea of what it is and some features about it.

  6. If quantum computers work as well as you said, it’s a shame it doesn’t exist yet. I hope that “yet” doesn’t last long; I love the idea of improving our current technology. I’m super excited about this new faster computer! Please continue updating more information about it.

    Lydia Casado Calvo

  7. Wow! It is incredible. I didn't know anything about them, but now I really want one...maybe in 10 or 20 years...

  8. This post is very useful, before reading it I didnt know anything about this, what is more I didnt even know that that could come to exist, and although now I´m not an expert of quantum computers, I can imagine it and now I really want to have one.

  9. I think that with a little bit of research in it we would be able to take a big satep in the world of computing and technology. Let´s hope to see some new devices with cuantum bits soon :)
