Thursday 11 May 2017

Maggie Dickson

Edinburgh is a city full of mysteries. There are magical stories on all sides. One of the most interesting legends supposedly happened in the year 1720 and its protagonist, called Maggie Dickson, is known for the many misfortunes that happened to her.

Maggie Dickson was a middle class girl who lived in the south of Edinburgh. She married at an early age with a fisherman, but he didn’t love Maggie and abandoned her. At that time it was frowned upon when a man abandoned his wife and divorce did not exist, so she decided to go to Kelso, a place where no one knew her. There she got a job at an inn. Maggie had a romance with the innkeeper’s son, in secret because she might lose her job, but she was very unlucky and got pregnant.

The weeks passed and Maggie had to hide her pregnancy. She was able to, although unfortunately her baby was born dead. Maggie decided to get rid of the baby by throwing him to the river Tweed, but once there she could not do it and burst into tears. Suddenly a man appeared and captured her.

At that time, anything could be considered a crime, and people condemned Maggie to be hanged for hiding the pregnancy. The 2nd of September of 1724 in Grassmarket (Edinburgh) Maggie was hanged. The body was moved to a cemetery, but along the way, people began to hear noises inside the coffin, Maggie Dickson was alive.

Everyone returned to Grassmarket, they were happy because they were going to see two executions on the same day. However when Maggie had the rope around her neck, a man said: “This woman has not died by divine will, Maggie has already paid for her conviction, and it would not be fair for her to pay back for something she had already paid for”. Maggie had been condemned to hanging and not to death (because it was taken for granted), so she had already paid for the crime.

Now Maggie was innocent and free, because she had died and returned to life, so the sentence of the wedding with the fisherman “'till death do us part” had been canceled. Maggie married the man who saved her life and bought a house in Grassmarket, where she lived 40 years. Nowadays that place is a pub called Maggie Dickson’s pub.


  1. The story of this woman is amazing although I get a bit scared because I dont know what she did for survive.I already knew this story and I find curious that the last wish of this woman was a glass of whiskey!!!!
    Many people say that she survived because she knew the person who supplied the ropes, others say that it is because she seduced the executioner so he could relax the knot, but there are people who say that she survived thanks to the glass of whiskey. Anyway I think it's a story that was marked in the history of Edinburgh.

  2. I like this story because is very shocking that a woman after been buried continued alive. I didn't know this story until I have read this post, thats why it makes me to continue reading it.

  3. I had already heard of this breathtaking story. Like Eva has said it's very shocking what happened to Maggie. It's the typical anecdote that intrigues you and you can't stop reading. I have enjoyed reading this post.

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  6. She's a Witch.No more explanations for this.

  7. Such an interesting story. I like the end, it seemed as a tragic story, but it´s not!. I wouldn´t enter that pub, it´s really strange knowing that the first owner of that place died and returned to life.

  8. I like the post because finally the missfortune of Maggie turns into something good. However, I don't believe this old story because the fact of returning to life is not possible.

    1. I dont think so, maybe she is a with and we didnt knew that.

  9. What a poor women and what a disgraceful life. I like that in the end everything goes well but I can’t imagine having a life like hers. I didn’t expect that she survived after being hanged; if she really did I’m sure she never died. There’s nothing wrong about the post but the story gave me goosebumps.

    Lydia Casado Calvo

  10. I was very interesting with this story, everything that it happens to this woman was very stange. I didn´t know this story and I enjoyed it a lot

  11. I didn't knew about this story and I'm really shocked, what a intense life!! I really enjoyed the story because I think that it is a very good example to see that you never have to give up because things can be difficult, because finally everything will work out.

  12. I love this stories and legends. I have never listened before about this one but is really good. This woman had a hard life but finally the destiny or whatever saved her. It's a fantastig legend, i'm going to read more about this stories because they are very interesting.

  13. I love this stories and legends. I have never listened before about this one but is really good. This woman had a hard life but finally the destiny or whatever saved her. It's a fantastig legend, i'm going to read more about this stories because they are very interesting.
